Member: Lili M. Dicus        #1645   


No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
30 Ground Pole Equitation o/f KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show 2 7 7.00
32 Ground Pole Eq. -on the flat KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show 1 7 9.00
Total Class Points 16.00
No: 30
Class: Ground Pole Equitation o/f
Show: KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show
Place: 2
Entries: 7
Points: 7.00  
No: 32
Class: Ground Pole Eq. -on the flat
Show: KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show
Place: 1
Entries: 7
Points: 9.00  
Total Class Points: 16.00
No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
35 Cross Rail/Maiden Equitation o/f KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show 4 5 3.00
37 Cross Rail/Maiden Eq. -on the flat KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show 1 4 9.00
Total Class Points 12.00
No: 35
Class: Cross Rail/Maiden Equitation o/f
Show: KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show
Place: 4
Entries: 5
Points: 3.00  
No: 37
Class: Cross Rail/Maiden Eq. -on the flat
Show: KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show
Place: 1
Entries: 4
Points: 9.00  
Total Class Points: 12.00

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