Member: Chloe G. Odom        #1643   


No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
30 Ground Pole Equitation o/f KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show Euro Cactus0 4 7 3.00
32 Ground Pole Eq. -on the flat KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show Euro Cactus0 4 7 3.00
Total Class Points 6.00
No: 30
Class: Ground Pole Equitation o/f
Show: KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show
Horse: Euro Cactus0
Place: 4
Entries: 7
Points: 3.00  
No: 32
Class: Ground Pole Eq. -on the flat
Show: KHJA Fundraiser Horse Show
Horse: Euro Cactus0
Place: 4
Entries: 7
Points: 3.00  
Total Class Points: 6.00

Provided by OrgPro
